My previous blogs got lost – If you were looking for them, I apologize and I thank you for your patience.
I hope you enjoy this new feature on my website. Technology can be very frustrating and a man with great patience says “we are all victims of technology!”
I could go on and on bemoaning my bad luck losing those blogs, but I think you’d rather hear about my art journey.
I will begin. This post has some images from my last installation “DREAMS”, which was a huge undertaking! 120 feet of mural size paintings lining the corridor in a huge banquet hall at Starline in Harvard, IL. It was the grande finale of a year as the featured installation artist for 4th Friday art events. So it all begins with a plan – a visualization of the space, then packing and transporting the art, and then the work of hanging. I wish I could say all that is fun, but bottom line the fun part is the end result!

Now to layout and install the art:

The cage ladder made the installation safe for everyone.
And, the reward!

To see more installation views of “DREAMS” and the other installations please visit:
Unique and absolutely outstanding – go to see you out here again!
Thanks for reading! 🙂
It’s always interesting to ‘behind the scenes’ to see what went into exhibiting such large scale works. Thanks for sharing your vision and hard work!
Thank you. I just completed “DREAMS 2”. I will post about it.