My artist blog begins again

My previous blogs got lost – If you were looking for them, I apologize and I thank you for your patience.
I hope you enjoy this new feature on my website. Technology can be very frustrating and a man with great patience says “we are all victims of technology!”

I could go on and on bemoaning my bad luck losing those blogs, but I think you’d rather hear about my art journey.

I will begin. This post has some images from my last installation “DREAMS”, which was a huge undertaking! 120 feet of mural size paintings lining the corridor in a huge banquet hall at Starline in Harvard, IL. It was the grande finale of a year as the featured installation artist for 4th Friday art events. So it all begins with a plan – a visualization of the space, then packing and transporting the art, and then the work of hanging. I wish I could say all that is fun, but bottom line the fun part is the end result!

Visualizing and planning the exhibition space
car packed with art
Time to pack, transport and deliver the art to the installation space

Now to layout and install the art:

one piece installed others laid out on the ground
3 panels hung with the use of a safe cage ladder

The cage ladder made the installation safe for everyone.

And, the reward!

installation view
installation view

To see more installation views of “DREAMS” and the other installations please visit: