SYNAPSE statement
ABOUT the “SYNAPSE” Installation project
— bert leveille
This small vault afforded me the intimacy and challenge of a space that could reach beyond its physical limitations. I see these simulated tiny electrical charges – synapses – transmitting, connecting, expanding and far reaching beyond the vault and yet protected by the vault.
Plexiglas separates and protects the fragility of these perceived threads of energy. I encourage a more psychic connection to the art. My hope is that one’s mind will go through the glass; enter this space and connect to a larger space of consciousness.
This journey is further facilitated by the interpretive poetry of Annie Hex and Jen May.
Hex and May observed the art process for this installation via ZOOM, emails and Blog. They then created the poems for this collaboration with Atrocious Poets for the final Art Exhibition at The Old CourtHouse Arts Center in Woodstock, IL; November and December 2020.